One week today to the start of the season. Rain or shine. 3-7pm.
Roster for the day: Alchemy Pickle Company /Aldergrove Farm / Clovercroft Farm / Dave Rogers Ranch / Evelyn’s Crackers / Fish Tree Farm / Footstep Farm / Forbes Wild Foods / Kinsip House of Spirits / LaPrimavera Farms / Maizal / Monforte Dairy / Robinson Bread (NEW!) / TC TibetanMomos / Trillium Organic Farm
To complete the vendor line up the following week: First Fish / The Popstand / Waymac Farms
Libations on rotation: Banjo Cider / Brokenstone Winery / Frogpond Winery / Kinsip House of Spirits / Stanners Winery
Links to vendors via the vendor page